Your Book Is Your Brand
Meet us at Web Summit 2023

Your Book Is Your Brand
Meet us at Web Summit 2023

Your Book Is Your Brand
Meet us at Web Summit 2023

Spark AI is a new breed of book publishing platform; a turn-key authoring, publishing, distribution, and promotion platform that helps thought leaders with something to say get their original ideas in print and into the world in under 100 days. 

Nothing conveys depth, expertise, and credibility like a well-crafted book.  In today's world
of declining attention spans, incessant notifications, and micro-information vying for attention, becoming an author is a way for experts to cut through the noise and plant their flag.

Spark’s innovative platform empowers business authors, leaders, and entrepreneurs
to produce their unique book in record time, streamlining the process while integrating
the content into a holistic communications and brand-building strategy.  The book becomes
the calling card of the author’s personal brand and a cornerstone to their broader
public presence, both online and out in the world.

Spark's proprietary AI platform is trained on the author's knowledge and used to help structure, draft and generate the assets that go into a book, including the manuscript and images. Human editors with experience in book publishing then bring their expertise to bring the book to life in record time.

Email us ( to book an appointment at Web Summit 2023.

Spark is a new breed of book publisher; a turn-key authoring, publishing, distribution, and promotion service that helps thought leaders with something to say get their original ideas in print and into the world in under 100 days. 

Nothing conveys depth, expertise, and credibility like a well-crafted book. 
In today's world of declining attention spans, incessant notifications,
and micro-information vying
for attention, becoming an author
is a way for experts to cut through
the noise and plant their flag.

Spark’s innovative approach
empowers business authors, leaders, and entrepreneurs to produce their unique book in record time, streamlining the process while integrating
the content into a holistic communications and brand-building strategy.  The book becomes the calling card of the author’s personal brand
and a cornerstone to their broader
public presence, both online
and out in the world.

Spark is an invitation-only service
and does not accept public submissions.

Spark is a new breed of book publisher; a turn-key authoring, publishing, distribution, and promotion service that helps thought leaders with something to say get their original
ideas in print and into the world in under 100 days. 

Nothing conveys depth, expertise, and credibility like a well-crafted book.  In today's world of declining attention spans, incessant notifications, and micro-information vying for attention,
becoming an author is a way for experts to cut through the noise
and plant their flag.

Spark’s innovative approach empowers business authors, leaders, and entrepreneurs to produce their unique book in record time, streamlining the process while integrating the content into a holistic communications and brand-building strategy.  The book becomes
the calling card of the author’s personal brand and a cornerstone to their broader public presence, both online and out in the world.

Spark is an invitation-only service and does not accept
public submissions.

Copyright © 2023 Spark

Copyright © 2023 Spark

Copyright © 2023 Spark